Last Door currently uses My Recovery Plan, an evidence-based platform developed by David Best Ph.D., University of Derby, that provides a finite, measurable recovery plan coupled with an accurate and predictive assessment. It is recovery path neutral and appropriate for clinical and non-clinical environments by both certified peers and medical professionals. Last Door is excited to finally be able to provide quantifiable data proving the success of Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care. Granted, standard iterations of strengths-based care in the US may not share the same systematic scoring and outcome tracking in their approach.

  1. However, sometimes we may have to look in different circles than our friends and family to gain helpful support.
  2. Designed with ease-of-use in mind, Soberlink is discreet and reliable and allows you to rebuild trust with your Recovery Circle, ultimately increasing both your community and social capital.
  3. Leading the change in care for mental health and addiction, The Last Door believes in using the Social Model Program to help clients and their families build recovery capital to overcome addiction.
  4. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47(1), 35-46.

Next, multiple regression analyses were conducted for the total sample as well as for each of the four baseline recovery stages subgroups. Logistic regressions were conducted for the analyses where sustained recovery was the dependent variable and linear regressions were used where stress and quality of life are the outcome domains. We used hierarchical regression analyses where the baseline level of the outcome domain was forced entered in Block one and the hypothesized predictors were entered in Block two, using the stepwise method so that only variables that are significant april is alcohol awareness month national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism niaaa are retained. The office-based opioid treatment center provides outpatient addiction services for over 500 adults with the majority receiving buprenorphine. It is affiliated with a large academic medical center in a Medicaid-expanded state which serves as a safety net for the region and treats predominately individuals with low incomes and identifying as a racial or ethnic minority. On-site addiction medicine providers come from multiple specialties, including psychiatry, internal medicine, family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and emergency medicine.

Though the Recovery Capital Approach is beneficial and effective for some, the lack of resources for specific groups can make this approach much more difficult for others. This tool travels with you, so, regardless of location, you have access to a resource that can help you gain success in your recovery. One of the most trusted and popular tools for monitoring addiction, specifically alcohol abuse, is Soberlink’s Remote Breathalyzer.

Further publications pertaining to Recovery Capital may be found here:

As shown in Table 2, stress levels at both baseline and F1 were moderate; life satisfaction at both times was high, as were levels of both recovery-specific support and general social support, life meaning (existential well-being) and spirituality. Religious activities were moderate.8 Nearly three-quarters of participants had attended a 12-step meeting in the past year; involvement in 12-step activities was more moderate. One major issue requiring further conceptual development is the lack of clarity on how RC domains are distinct but interrelated entities.

What Is Recovery Capital?

These are resources and changes that are difficult to capture on a single survey measure at a single point in time. Thus, further qualitative research with specific populations seems necessary to delineate potential ranking or weighting of RC factors, as well as to disentangle how changes in some domains of RC may lead to changes in other domains. We can then build further conceptual frames and hypotheses which should be refined based on longitudinal and multi-method testing.

What are the different types of recovery capital?

That is, having enough money to afford treatment is only as good as the treatment that is available, assuming there is space in the treatment center. Scales are not yet able to address the synergistic ways that RC domains are intertwined. For example, qualitative interview data suggests that both social and community RC can produce financial RC for individuals signs and symptoms of spice abuse with a criminal justice history (39). In these interviews, the participants described how their case manager provided the necessary linkages to housing, transportation, and benefits as a result of their role. Participants also noted that the case manager would actively coach them on how to answer questions to be successful in their housing or job applications.


In addition, it includes access to social groups and activities that promote sobriety and recovery and interpersonal connections at “conventional institutions” such as the workplace or school. The RC model makes no assumptions about abstinence and so is likely to be especially relevant for two populations in treatment, the first of those being medication maintenance approaches for opiate disorders. The RC definition presented earlier focuses on resources and capacities, and not on end points or goals, and so has equal applicability to abstinence and maintenance groups and services. Assuming that the individual in medication treatment for opioid use is stable and not at an acute risk, then there is significant benefit to measuring their wellbeing, quality of life and aspirations, as a marker of development and growth. To this extent, RC is about the tools or mechanisms that create the conditions for growth, not the growth itself.